Blood In Semen. Image courtesy of dream designs at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
QUESTION: I want to know how long after prostate biopsy is there blood in semen?
It is quite possible for someone to have blood in the urine or in the semen after performing a prostate biopsy. As prostate is a part of the genito-urinary system, while on biopsy, the doctors are damaging a little bit the prostate structure.
When you have blood in the semen, you have to see how much blood there is. For example, if you are having small spots of blood, then, do not worry, that blood is going to disappear in just a few days.
But, when there is a lot of blood in the semen, it will disappear in a few weeks or even a month. In addition, the presence and the amount of blood depend on the number of material taken from your prostate.
During an ordinary prostate biopsy, they will usually take only 6-8 pieces of your prostate from different parts of it. In some cases, is quite possible for the urologist to take 10-14 pieces from your prostate. This will cause the rupture of more blood vessels, leading to increased amount of blood in the semen.
If you notice blood in your semen, that does not mean that you have to avoid sexual intercourse. This is because the ejaculation will help you to clean the blood from your prostate.
Another possible way of cleaning the prostate from the blood is by increasing the amount of fluids taken. In this way, you are going to urinate more often and a lot; therefore, the urine will wash the blood from your prostate.
Besides this, you don’t have to worry about a prostate infection, if there are no symptoms like fever, fatigue, pain, chills and other. This is explained with the fact that after the prostate biopsy, the doctors will put you on a preventive treatment with antibiotics.
It is good for you to look for the above-mentioned symptoms for when they are present, you can inform your doctor immediately.
All the best!
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by: rrr
I had a biopsy a month ago and it was not pleasant……Not a lot of pain, but extreme discomfort. I wasn’t “right” for two days. It has been a month now, and I still have dark semen. It does not make for good intimacy with my wife….
I, too, would question getting the biopsy unless your numbers were quite high.
by: Anonymous
by: Anonymous
I had a prostate biopsy2 months ago and my semen is Brownish .
by: NEAL
I had a prostate biopsy a week ago. During this they took 12 samples along with doing other checks. Drs told me that I should expect some blood in seamen, urine and stool. They didn’t say how much as it depends on how many samples etc are taken.the only discomfort that I suffered was while urinating but only for a couple of days after the procedure. Blood in urine and stool went within a couple of days. Seamen however still pure blood red. Apparently this is quite normal and nothing to worry about.. So they say. Must confess that even though they warned me about it it was still worrying. So if your going through the same as me my heat goes out to you but don’t panic having to have the tests and waiting for results are stressful enough. Hope this helps .
by: Anonymous
I think it all has to do with your doctor, his experience, and the type of biopsy he is doing. There are different types of biopsies for prostate cancer. Mine used very sophisticated blend of MRI images and ultrasound images whiletaking the samples, 14 samples. afterward had no discomfort and went to local bar had a couple of beers and walked up and down the strip out in a nice summer sun checking out all the action. Then I went up to the local River and let my dog go swimming. The day after I walked 5 miles and I feel fine. No blood in the urine but blood in an ejaculation like everyone has said here. That’s a creepy thing to see. But as stated above it’ll go away. So I’ve had very little discomfort other than when they put the probe in and the clicking of the of the probe to take the samples. You need to really make sure that you have the doctor you want. Ask them how their procedure for the biopsy work. If they are doing what is known as a blind biopsy, I would get a different doctor.
by: Anonymous
i had a biopsy about 2 weeks ago.my brother said his wasn’t to bad,but mine was awful.i thank god its over.having blood in my semen freaked me out.i hope this is not bad for my wife.
by: WGN
60yo had the biopsy done Tues July 18. It was totally painless. Talked to the Dr. and the attending nurse and joked all the way through the event. Very very minor feeling of something vague inside me for most of the afternoon. But could easily be ignored and was anytime I took my mind off it by talking to someone. Very little blood in stool. Even less in the urine. But today I was j/o and when I cum. HOLY HELL the whole ejaculate was RED. And I do mean RED. Disturbingly red. Even took a picture. But no pain at all. Felt normal. Still very upsetting psy to see that. I was told it was normal during the procedure. But seeing it really catches you off guard. I hope it does not last long. My partner has not seen it yet. Not sure I want him too! HA!
by: James
I had a prostate biopsy one week ago due to a nodule.
They numbed the area initially, and then took 12 samples. I experienced minimal discomfort. Afterward for 24 hours I felt soreness in the area and felt tired.
I saw blood when I urinated for about 2 times. Very little fecal blood. As for semen, every time I ejaculate there is plenty of blood to be seen.
I was told by the physician that I would see blood in the semen for up to 4 to 6 weeks.
Ejaculation and drinking plenty of water would help to clear the blood from the prostate area.
Seeing the blood in the semen concerns me, but I understand why it is there.
by: William v
This doctor gave excellent thorough and rite on the money advice… Having had more than usual number of places taken during procedure more blood and clots than most but still doc said normal and it dissipated… Great advice to drink lots of wAter and patience.
by: Anonymous
please I had sex with my girlfriend when discharging I saw blood coming out instead of sperm I didn’t feel any pains too.please I need help am 26 yrs
by: Anonymous
Made me worry like never before when semen was gooey and dark. Md. should have told me to expect this.
No have to worry and really scared as cancer in whole right side of prostate, Starting raditation July 13 and scared half to death and taking meds to help keep calm.
by: Anonymous
would your sperm be yellow and for how long
by: Anonymous
I had a biopsy 1 week ago, lucky from what I’ve read that I had a general, no pain afterwards, very little blood in the urine. But semen is like pure bright red blood, no white at all. Is this normal?
by: Anonymous
I had a Biopsy two weeks ago and had pain walking for only one day, so far the only symptoms i have now is blood in my seman which is quite alarming.
i am hoping this will soon go away because not only is this freaking me out but my wife as well, i may also add my urologing did not advise me of how long the blood would last so i could prepair myself for this.
My advise is for all to ask about blood coming from urine and ejaculation when undergoing a biopsy.
by: Anonymous
I had a biopsy a few weeks ago. Had I known then what I know now I would have refused to have it done.
What ever it was (probe) that was put inside me made me feel like I was being torn apart. The injection of local anaesthetic was painful but tolerable but the actual taking of the samples had me needing to be peeled off the ceiling because of the pain.
(And no I am not a feeble minded person _ I once drove myself to a hospital with a shattered ankle bone so I know I can tolerate some levels of pain but this was quite ferocious)
After the procedure I left the hospital straight away, I just wanted to get out of there. For four days I had a miserable time with a great deal of pain ‘inside’ me and a lot of pain where the probe had entered.
There was blood (a lot) and even lumps of something in my urine and passing water was very painful and still is.
The pain from the procedure has calmed down but I am not completely free of discomfort.
Thank goodness I refused point blank to both my GP and the doctor doing the biopsy to their demands to physically ‘examine’ me. The probe was dreadful enough and I will never have another test of any sort that requires anything inside me.
Going to the bathroom is till uncomfortable after well over a week. I know there are other techniques that can be used for the biopsy and I would recommend anyone needing a biopsy to ask their doctor about this and, having had the biopsy and being told upon refusing the physical exam that the biopsy is the main diagnostic tool anyway I would challenge any man to ask their doctor why they think they have to do this and how they think it will help a diagnosis if they are going to tear you apart with a biopsy anyway.
Modern medicine has much more sophisticated techniques that some medieval finger inside you that isn’t going to tell them too much anyway. I am glad at least I refused that but I wish I had refused the biopsy too.
by: ARow
QUESTION: What about if you have blood in your semen but you did not take the prostate biopsy, and still your not in the age of 45 to 50?
ANSWER: Hi Arow,
There are many factors causing blood in semen in young patients. They include benign factors (i.e. infection, or urethra stones, etc) and malign (tumors or metastatic cancers). Your doctor will find your specific cause.