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The enlarged prostate surgery is definitely not the only treatment for all cases of prostate enlargement. Your doctor can decide the treatment of choice according to the intensity of your complaints, and how they influence your daily tasks.
Your doctor might advise you to perform the surgery if you are suffering from:
Urinary incontinence – it occurs when you can’t control the urine leaking from your urethra. Incontinence usually begins with infrequent leakage of few drops of urine, and it becomes worse until you are completely unable to hold urination.
Constant presence of blood and pus in urine.
Urinary retention or inability to completely emptying your bladder.
Persistent renal infection.
Renal failure.
Stones formed in your bladder.https://www.youtube.com/embed/BHHvzNm7oR0
Usually, the decision of choosing the suitable type of the enlarged prostate surgery depends mainly on the size and shape of the prostate enlargement plus the rigorousness of your signs.
What are the procedures for surgery of enlarged prostate?
The most commonly performed surgery for enlarged prostate is transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).
This surgical procedure involves the insertion of a scope or an instrument through the penis to scrap the innermost portion of the prostate piece by piece. This is believed to be the most effective surgical procedure since it can relief your symptoms immediately as well.
Another procedure of enlarged prostate surgery is transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP).
This operation resembles TURP, but it is indicated when the size of prostate enlargement is relatively small. It is a non-invasive surgical procedure which means that you will not need to be hospitalized after it.
Similar to TURP, a scope is introduced through the penis till reaching the prostate; afterward a small cut is done to widen the hole of urethra as well as bladder opening, rather than completely getting rid of prostate in TURP.
In Simple prostatectomy a small incision is performed in the abdominal area to remove the inner most part of the enlarged prostate, while the superficial part is left.
Simple prostatectomy is definitely performed under general anesthesia. This enlarged prostate surgery involves prolonged procedures and you will need to be hospitalized from five to ten days after having it.
Nowadays there are myriad less invasive techniques to treat prostate enlargement which can be done in your doctor’s clinic under local anesthesia or other sedations, you will not need to be hospitalized.
The main principal of these treatments is the utilization of different sources of heat to destroy the enlarged
Unfortunately, all of these new treatments are not proved to be more effective than TURP. Usually, patients undergo them need to have another enlarged prostate surgery after a period of five to ten years.
- Recently, there is a new technique known as Robot-guided prostatectomy. But this technique is not used widely, and only few doctors can perform it.
Related topics:
- Get Enlarged Prostate Treatments.
- Find out how to choose the most appropriate enlarged prostate treatment for you.