by Abdul Karim
(Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan)

Prostate alternative treatments
QUESTION: The 2 symptoms have just started. One is little bit burning in urinating and two to three time urinating in night. I have started using Pumpkin seeds.
Would it be helpful to overcome my this problem and to reduce the risk of enlargement of prostate. I am 66. There is not a single ailment viz Blood Pressure, Diabetes, or any heart problem. Pl suggest.
ANSWER: Hi Abdul Karim,
First, I want to remind you that having those symptoms is really a sign that you have problems with your prostate.
In most cases, the exact cause of those symptoms, mentioned from you, is prostate enlargement. However, I want you to keep in mind that may be a prostate cancer is causing this.
Remember, I’m not telling you that you might have such thing; I just want you to consult with urologist in purpose to exclude this disease as an option.
This is more like insurance, because you are in perfect health, according to the information provided by you.
Anyways, regarding your question about the usage of pumpkin seeds, you have to know that they really work. This herb will not only reduce your symptoms, but it will even slow the enlargement down.
This means that it is going to improve your symptoms pretty much. Besides this, there are no side effects, which can damage your body, which is making it quite safe for usage.
Something else, which will be useful for you, is that Pygeum can also improve your condition pretty much.
A recent study showed that this herb reduces the symptoms of BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) in patients, who were recently diagnosed, just like you.
According to my opinion, it would be better for you to use Pygeum along with pumpkin seeds, in purpose to forget about your problem.
Important part of the BPH treatment is that you have to make some lifestyle changes, in purpose to reduce the production of urine and to stop getting up at night in purpose to urinate:
First, do not drink coffee, because it stimulates the urine production. Besides this, try not to drink liquids 2 hours before bed time.
Second thing, which you have to do is to find a way to handle the stress. You have to know that sometimes the excessive stress aggravates the symptoms of BPH.
At last, I would suggest you to learn how to use the Kegel’s exercises.
Hope it helped!
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by: Anonymous
Look up “Just Whose prostate Is It” for a good read about the POSITIVE – HEALTHY side of prostate massage. OR look up “hey guys look it’s the prostate”… both are good reads.