What are the most common BPH drugs prescribed? What do they do? How to use them properly?

This and all other concerns will have an answer in the following paragraphs.

First, I may understand that You must be perplexed and thinking why, a glands so long silent, suddenly becomes negatively active and making your life such dismal?

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Let us have little back ground knowledge. Prostate glands surround the urethra which is a tube like structure that is situated in the penis and helps to release out the urine.

When prostrate is enlarged, it obstructs the urine out flow & further strains will aggravate the scenario, and additionally, some receptors (Alpha 1 adreno-receptors) of bladder also contribute to incomplete void.

In the first stage there are medical treatments available for prevention that you can easily avail under some professional guidance.

We better suggest you to have the adequate knowledge about the BPH drugs but it is wise to consult with a clinician since each drug has its benefits and side effect depending on particular situation.

If things go further in advanced cases, where complete blockade is there surgical intervention is the only answer.

Let’s go and see the main BPH drugs.

The first group is Alpha 1 adrenoreceptor antagonists

Here the Alpha 1 adrenoreceptor antagonists are your best help. This group is the first choice for symptomatic relief that immediately you seek.

What is more, these drugs may help lowering blood pressure, which starts to be present in all patients within 50s.

The most common drugs used within this group are: Prazocin, Doxacin, Terazocin, Tamsulocin, and Alfuzocin.

The second group is Enzyme Inhibitors

When BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia) happens, you start wondering why it happens. Medical experts also argue on various culprits for the actual cause.

However, a partially accepted explanation is that the excess male hormone remains as the principal culprit.

Now, coming to Enzyme Inhibitors. What they do is to inhibit the particular enzyme that helps to form the final stage of male hormone. As a consequence, a long term use is found to cause a definite regression of prostate growth.

Finasteride is the preferred drug of this group. Ideally the group 1 and 2 are prescribed simultaneously to take care of the short term and long term complaint.

The third group is Antiandrogen

It is a partially accepted but encouraging concept that your problem of benign prostate hyperplasia is mainly getting aggravated by androgen a group of male hormones.

Here Antiandrogen such as Flutamide is used but the theory is not globally accepted regarding the use of Antiandrogen.

The Fourth Group is Progesterone (Hormonal Treatment)

In some countries such as Japan, some progesterones such as Allylestrenol are used since it is seen that some of the progesterones have antiandrogenic action in reducing the prostate growth as well as symptoms.

These are all test book products and you can be rest assured that under proper medical guideline, either of these molecules may retard the symptoms for prolonged period and can improve the quality of life from your suffering.

At the same time you should also know that the medicinal treatment can take care for a particular stage since it has its limitations and it is not curative measure. If things go beyond that, your final option is left with surgical intervention.

The Fifth group is Complementary Alternative Medicine or Herbal Products

Some Indian and Chinese herbs are found to be effective and improvement is mainly based on the observation.Related topics:

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